Biography (short)
Sito Schwarzenberger, born 1976, is a graphic designer and visual artist living in NYC, USA. He studied Art History, Film- and Communication/Media Sciences. Since 2006 he is also a member of K.U.SCH. art group (painting, sculpture, video, and installation). Sito's artwork speaks future sign language, representing life with imaginary and pure digital forms - recently sometimes mixed with analogue drawing and painting.

Interview (Chinese Computer Arts Magazine, 2009)
Diploma Work (Bakk.Phil.) 2011, PDF
Wie Bild-Symbole die Öffentlichkeit beeinflussen. (Inseln des Verstehens im Meer der Mehrdeutigkeiten), at University of Vienna
Featured in:
Book-Design / Magazine-Design
"The Message" Magazine – Ausgaben 6+7, (2000, 2001)
"Das Laufstegtheater": K.U.SCH.; deA Verlag, 2005
"sound:frame" (Exhibition-Catalogue): Eva Fischer; Cernin, 2008
"Tres Logos": Die Gestalten Verlag, 2006
"Around Europe Publisher": Andrés Fredes; Index Book, 2006
"Around Europe Promoter": Andrés Fredes (Juland); Index Book, 2007
"Los Logos 4": Die Gestalten Verlag, 2008
"Crack - Graphix": Crack-Boox, 2009
"Basic Logos": Index Books, 2009
"Offf-Catalogue": Offf-Festival, 2010
"Best of Brochure Design 11": Rockport Publishers, 2010
"Zeit(lose) Zeichen: Gegenwartskunst in Referenz zu Otto Neurath":
Maria Christine Holter; Kerber, 2012
Visual Software Workshop for the DEJ ("Digital Entertainment Jam")
at the "Beijing Institute of Fashion and Technology", July 2009 in Beijing, China
Lecture about my work as a Visual Artist at the "Peoples University of China",
March 2010 in Beijing, China
Appreciation Award for Graphic Design from the Lower-Austria Cultural Department,
Cultural Awards 2009